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AuntMinnie 2007: Gadolinium: A 'necessary factor' in the development of NSF?


Extensive thickening of the skin, often associated with brawny hyperpigmentation and, in some cases, distinct papules and subcutaneous nodules. Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy [NFD/NSF Web site]. Available at Accessed 3/5/2007. Below) Mucin is frequently present and demonstrable by the colloidal iron alcian blue (pH 2.5)

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Clinical Conundrums: Should You Give the First Dose of Antibiotics IV Before Discharging Home on Oral Antibiotics?


A prospective randomized study of inpatient iv. 2001; 111(5):367-74. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 1997; 24(3):457-67. PMID: 9114201 Siegel RE et al. antibiotics for community-acquired pneumonia. The optimal duration of therapy. 1996; 110(4):965-71.

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