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Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma

Global Radiology CME

Bone scan shows diffuse uptake in the markedly enlarged right breast secondary to increased blood pool activity and impaired washout. Bone scan showed diffuse uptake in the markedly enlarged right breast secondary to increased blood pool activity and impaired washout. Mammogram CC view. Breast Dis. 2005;22:45-54.

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REBEL Core Cast 107.0 – Vertebral Osteomyelitis


Med Clin North Am, 2006 May;90(3):505-23. Specific Disorders of the Spine. In: Sherman SC eds. Simon’s Emergency Orthopedics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2014 Winters ME, Kluetz P et al. Back Pain Emergencies. PMID: 16473102 Zimmerli W. Vertebral Osteomyelitis. N Engl J Med 2010 Mar; 362(11)1022-9.