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New Study Finds Age and Race Impact Artificial Intelligence (AI) Performance on Digital Mammograms

Imaging Technology Tue, 05/21/2024 - 10:36 May 21, 2024 — According to a newly-published study of nearly 5,000 screening mammograms interpreted by an FDA-approved AI algorithm, patient characteristics such as race and age influenced false positive results. Nguyen, M.D.

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AI Performs Comparably to Human Readers of Mammograms

Imaging Technology

milla1cf Tue, 09/05/2023 - 09:00 September 5, 2023 — Using a standardized assessment, researchers in the UK compared the performance of a commercially available artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm with human readers of screening mammograms. For each test mammogram, the reader’s score is compared to the ground truth of the AI results.

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iCAD Releases Enhanced ProFound Detection Workstation Features to Streamline Mammogram Interpretation for Radiologists

Imaging Technology

“We're excited to introduce advanced workstation features for our flagship solution, ProFound Detection, aimed at further improving and facilitating radiologists' interpretation of mammograms within their workstation,” said Dana Brown , President and CEO of iCAD. in 2016, followed by 3D V2.0 Detection in 2018, and V3.0

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AI Bias May Impair Radiologist Accuracy on Mammogram

Imaging Technology

milla1cf Mon, 05/22/2023 - 13:25 May 22, 2023 — Incorrect advice by an AI-based decision support system could seriously impair the performance of radiologists at every level of expertise when reading mammograms, according to a new study published in Radiology , a journal of the Radiological Society of North America ( RSNA ).

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Study shows role mammography screening plays in breast cancer survival


CHICAGO -- Following through with regular mammograms is the “very best insurance” for the prevention of advanced, life-threatening breast cancer, according to research presented November 30 at the RSNA meeting. Abnormal mammogram, left. Normal mammogram, right. Smith, PhD, American Cancer Society. to 77.6%, Smith’s team noted.

Mammogram 119
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The Importance of Keeping Up With Mammograms During Covid: Don’t Delay, Schedule Your Yearly Screening

Professional Radiology

Cancer experts, however, have expressed concerns over the potential number of women who delayed breast cancer screenings and mammograms due to covid-related closures or backlogs. Let’s look at some of the recent numbers and revisit the importance of breast cancer screenings and mammograms. Why is Your Yearly Mammogram Important?

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AI Outperformed Standard Risk Model for Predicting Breast Cancer

Imaging Technology

milla1cf Fri, 06/09/2023 - 08:12 June 9, 2023 — In a large study of thousands of mammograms, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms outperformed the standard clinical risk model for predicting the five-year risk for breast cancer. Something in mammograms allows us to track breast cancer risk. All the women were followed until 2021.