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Lens Subluxation

Global Radiology CME

A: Ultrasound showing deviation of the right lens margin posteriorly into the anechoic vitreous humor (red arrow). B: Ultrasound demonstrates the normal location of the left lens in the iris (green arrow). Lens subluxation can be diagnosed by ultrasound which shows deviation of the lens (Fig. Radiographics. 1, 2) [4].

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Lens Dislocation

Global Radiology CME

CT is the most commonly used diagnostic modality in lens dislocation and can clearly show lens displacement [4]. Ultrasound has been shown to rapidly diagnose lens dislocation as it can visualize internal structures of the globe [2, 7]. Radiographics. He plans on pursuing a residency in Diagnostic Radiology.

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Global Radiology CME

Antenatal ultrasound may show one or more intracranial cysts that communicate with the ventricular system and/or subarachnoid space. Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance in Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies.” Diagnostic Imaging: Obstetrics, Elsevier, 2016, pp. Porencephaly is readily diagnosed via imaging.