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Documento informativo: Cómo enfrentar los desafíos relacionados con las imágenes pediátricas con las soluciones de Carestream

Everything Rad

Las anteriores se obtienen de PACS (incluso de equipos de otros proveedores) a medida que el técnico radiólogo configura el examen actual. 5 FDA guidance entitled “Premarket Assessment of Pediatric Medical Devices,” 2004-05-14. Neonatal digital chest radiography – should we be using additional copper filtration?

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Artigo técnico: Enfrentando os desafios de aquisição de imagens pediátricas com as soluções da Carestream

Everything Rad

As aquisições anteriores são recuperadas através do PACS (mesmo a partir de equipamentos de outros fornecedores) enquanto o técnico em radiologia está configurando o exame atual. 5, FDA guidance entitled “Premarket Assessment of Pediatric Medical Devices”, 14 de maio de 2004. Best Practices in Digital Radiography.

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Extend the Life of Your X-ray Imaging Equipment

Everything Rad

hours to just seven minutes of clicks per year – a dramatic time savings to accelerate workflow for radiographers, reduce costs and allow images to be sent to PACS more quickly. (2) Access to RIS and PACS through ImageView can improve productivity and reduce the number of workstations to maintain, lowering IT costs.

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